Emo Hairstyles | Emo Boys | Emo Guys

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A boy with his emo hairstyle
Emo HairstyleEmo has been associated with emotional, introvert, and shy. It has deep emotion described by music, fashion, & style. One of several signs of it is the applying of emo hairstyle. Emo hairstyles have been an increasing social trend in the last few years. This started back in the 1980s but seems to have morphed throughout the years. Emo does not necessarily have a strict definition as to what a correct hairstyle has but it more has to do with the individual person. The hairstyles can mean different things for different people.

Whether you are talking about hairstyles for emo boys, guys, or emo girls, the hairstyle often will involve black hair surrounded by plumes of brightly colored hair with long bangs brushed to one side (often covering one eye), asymmetrical lines, & sometimes spiky hair (if it’s short) in the back. You can choose to have all black as your hairstyle if that so pleases you. Different colors may be used altogether and you may see many people with Emo hairstyles who do not alternate any colors.

Emo boys often may have more black within their hairstyle. The person may seem quieter depending upon who you talk to. This comes down to individual style though and there may be some bright colors thrown in to mix things up.

Emo girls may use black as the basic color or may alternate a bit more than the boys often will. Multiple colors do not even need to be used but rather one color can be used. It is then about making sure to have the hair cut and thinned properly.

Emo Boys

Emo boys are generally shy boys who are far more introvert than extrovert, but you might find this hard to believe taking into consideration their outward appearance. They never pretend to be tough, wear a piercing or two on their face, generally in the lip, and have a good sense of style. Traditionally they have racing hearts and no fear of showing how they feel to the world. If they are sad they say so, would not be caught dead in the gym, and are generally very artistic. The thinner and taller an Emo guy is, the better the girls like him!

Emo embraces individuality and rejects and mainstream trends. It is a daring look, and to carry it off comfortably with confidence you have to be daring. The complete Emo picture is created by dressing the part. The boys will generally wear tight jeans, black jeans, t-shirts with the name of rock bands emblazoned on them, vintage clothing, loads of armbands, studded belts and beanies. View the photos of emo boys & guys:

Emo style is a form of cultural expression that while still being contemporary is also very individual. Making use of dress, hair and make-up, expresses this individuality in a way that Emo boys know only too well how to carry off.

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